Sharing my bi-weekly weekend deals & steals. Here you’ll find deals for all sorts of exciting products ranging from fashion, beauty, kitchen items, and so much more.
Happy weekend my loves! Hope you girls are having a good one. I shared a couple fun recipes this last week so in case you missed them, check them out here: Black pepper Tofu Veggie Stir-Fry and included and IG REELS. Then, I made some Grilled Artichokes with a Vegan Tarragon Aioli with IG REELS.
I also shared such a fun fashion REELS sharing 3 Dresses for Spring.
Now let’s get into this Weekend’s Deals & Steals.
Weekend Deals & Steals
Vacation Bags…is there such a thing? I love a good wicker or straw purse. Now that we are slowly all able to travel again, I linked some of my favorites in the images below. I own THIS one and THIS affordable one. But how cute is THIS one?
I own biker shorts but have always wanted regular workout shorts…silly, I know, but I don’t own any LOL… I am currently eyeing THIS and THIS. Super affordable and so cute.
I just bought THIS cute backless bodysuit and it currently matches my nails LOL…I get asked all the time how to wear clothes with an open back or deep v-neck front without your bra showing. I use THIS and THIS.
Speaking of intimate wear…I am so obsessed with THIS bralette and currently eyeing THIS strapless bralette.
This cardboard playhouse kept my kids occupied for a good 2 days and honestly, I would buy more lol… They come in many different themes and it’s so easy to put together. I’ve been getting a ton of questions about it so I thought I’d include it here.
Herbal Face Food Skincare! The most potent anti-aging, anti-microbial, anti-viral, and multi-correction skincare line on the market. It’s 100% plant-powered with a HEAL YOU CAN FEEL Seriously, I have never seen a product work so fast in my life. There are no chemicals, no fillers. Just a powerful potent serum that is packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that help to heal your skin at a cellular level from the outside in showing signs sitting 3-5 days.
What is it good for? Dryness, oiliness, wrinkles, acne, pigmentation, firmness, large pores, and also for those suffering from maskne, eczema/psoriasis, deep wrinkles, melasma, warts, scarring and sooo much more!!! I’m sharing so much background info on this beauty over on my stories so be sure to head over and check it out.
Shop Herbal Face Foods Here and use code: PTB20 to save 20% off first time purchases
FITGLOW is turning 6!!! If you spend $125 or more, you’ll receive the Lip Colour Serum Juice and Koi (full size) and the Lumi Firm Kindly for free. code: Precious15.
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