Looking for a more natural way to heal wounds? This All-Natural First Aid Kit is perfect for those busy on-the-go mamas.
Kids get hurt. It’s the nature of life. Growing up, my brother was the one to always have a broken bone, split his head open, bloody nose, etc…You name it he did it. But there is one thing I can tell you, with all the cuts, scrapes and bruises he had, fortunately, he never needed stitches. Neither did my sister and I growing up.
There are natural products on the market that can heal the skin without pumping an open wound with toxic ingredients. In today’s world, products are filled with synthetic materials and consumable often-toxic substances. Often times, this can lead to suppressed immune systems. Plus, did you know, the average woman puts 515 synthetic chemicals on her body without even knowing? Yikes right?! Those chemicals get absorbed into the skin within seconds. No wonder people have so many allergens and skin issues. Chemicals such as Parabens, sulfate, etc… are all that I like to call the “silent killer” because in almost every conventional cosmetic.
I’m here to share what every mama needs to have in her purse or medicine cabinet at all times in this All-Natural First Aid Kit. Creating this natural first aid kit will not only save you money, but it’ll minimize you and your child’sexposure to toxic ingredients.

All-Natural First Aid Kit
Armenian Coffee:

This is a family secret. To be honest, my hubby thinks I’m way crazy when I whip out some Armenian coffee. But I am telling you…and actually, I am giving you my secret to never needing stitches. Buy yourself some Armenian coffee. It soaks up an open wound of blood and leaves no scarring. Like I said before…my brother was notorious for splitting his head open #boys, and this was the only thing that did the trick without needed stitches.
I store a small glass jar with the coffee in the freezer and use it whenever I slice my finger with a knife. It’s also the perfect thing to store in a small container to keep in your purse for those Oh-S**t moments your out and about with your kids. It happens and you’ll be thankful you had it.
True story…we were in Paris at the airport about to board our flight back to Dallas when my youngest was running and tripped and split his eyebrow open. Blood was gushing but luckily all I needed was the coffee to soak up the blood and stop the bleeding. This is the one thing I recommend having on hand. I personally use it when I slice my finger with a knife. It happens when you’re cooking.
Patch Bandaid Strips

I love these bandaids. Patch is made of 100% organic bamboo fibre with added natural coconut oil, aloe vera, and activated charcoal. This bad boy is free from parabens, sulfate, and latex-free and it’s also hypoallergenic. It’s the perfect swap for conventional bandaids.
Shop Patch Bandaid Strips Here
Wound Ointment

Moon Valley Organics: This Herbal Healing Balm blends Organic Calendula and Comfrey with Organic Propolis to moisturize and soothe skin. Perfect for minor cuts, burns, and abrasions. It’s free of any harsh ingredients and sting-free. Your kids will thank you.
Shop Moon Valley Healing Balm Here
On-the-go wipes

These castile soap-based wipes are perfect to keep in your back pocket. Great for travel, walks with the kids, grocery shopping, etc…They fit into your pocket and made with clean ingredients.
Shop Handzies On-The-Go Wipes Here
Suds to Go

I just got this about 2 months ago and absolutely love it. What I love most is that you can use it as a water bottle but then it holds soap in another compartment that you can use it to actually wash your hands. Now more than ever, this is so important to do and love using it on my kids whenever were exploring during our walks and bike rides. Perfect to making sure your hands are extra clean without using hand sanitizer everywhere.
Essential Oil Blend for bug bites

I use a blend of essential oils to create a bug bite roller to help soothe the itching. My kids get eaten alive during the summer time, so I always need to have this and bug repellent on hand at all times. What I do is mix a few drops of lavender, basil, and tea tree oil with some fractionated coconut oil and store in a small roller applicator.
Related Blog Post: Essential Oil Benefits and How to Use Them
Bug Repellent

For those hot summer days, I always turn to this bug repellent from Kosmatology. Made with natural and organic ingredients like Thyme, Rosemary, Citronella, coconut oil, and shea butter. It a balm stick that applies so smoothly and made in eco-friendly packaging.
Shop Kosmatology Here use code: PTB15 for 15% off
Manuka Honey

As you know, Manuka honey is that one thing that can solve every minor health problem as well as help clear acne. So pure and natural. Keep a bit of this with you and it’ll help aid sore throats, stomach acid, treating burns and scrapes, and lastly, allergies. My younger babies love taking a spoon of this during allergy season.
Shop Manuka Honey at Thrive Market. This will save you so much money. Plus, save 25% off your entire first order.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil…the ingredient that can be used for cooking, moisturizing, teeth whitening, and so much more. But most importantly, coconut oil is known to be a natural antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. This means it’ll help fight off infections and help heal your wounds and scars. I always carry these individual packets with me.
Shop Conscious Coconut Here use code PTB10
Truffle Travel Bag

This is my favorite bag to travel with. I keep the mini in my purse all the time and when we are actually traveling somewhere, I bring a bigger on with me to store more items. They hold they’re shape so well and I love that they’re clear so you can see what’s inside without opening them up.
Shop Truffle Mini Here, Shop Truffle Small Here, I also have THIS one as the bottom part opens a bit.
Creating an all-natural first aid kit doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive and as you can see, some of the stuff could be things you have in your cabinet already. I hope this gets you started with your toxin-free on-the-go kits.
Related Blog Post: Natural Remedies for Common Illnesses