Get natural remedies for common illnesses such as flu, colds, sinuses, and more by using natural over-the-counter options provided in this post.
Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

Common illnesses happen, but curing them naturally is key. There are so many over-the-counter natural remedies for common illnesses you can find and here you’ll learn what they are and why you should avoid conventional drugs and medications. You got one life to live, make it non-toxic.
Got a headache, take ibuprofen, how about a fever and chill, take Tylenol or Dayquil, how about a cough? Robitussin to save the day. If this is something that you do, you’re not the only one. Four out of five American adults take over-the-counter meds for common illnesses because it’s convenient ad available. SOURCE
Risks with Over-the-Counter Medication
They sell it at stores so it’s got to be safe am I right? The answer is NO. There are always side effects. Even if you were to take the medication correctly, you’re putting yourself at risk.
Let’s take acetaminophen for example. It’s the active ingredient you’ll find in Tylenol and it’s competitor brands. An excessive amount is taken for colds, pain relief coughs, etc, which can cause severe kidney and liver damage. In fact, over 30,000 hospitalizations and over 150 deaths per year as a result of overdoses of acetaminophen. Not because of taking it improperly, but because it’s either being mixed with other medications, taken over a longer period of time, or taken more than the recommended amount. SOURCE
I get it. It’s convenient and cheaper to buy, and doctors will typically prescribe or recommend them. So why would you not think it’s safe? Truth is, it has some bad toxic ingredients and serious side effects. Goes to show that we always need to do our research especially when putting things into our bodies or our children. Something like medicine can actually do more harm than good in the long run.

Natural Remedies for Common Illnesses
Luckily, for you, I’ve done a lot of research to help provide you with safer alternatives for you and your family. People have been using natural and alternative medicines for many years that include plants and herbs. So, let’s take a look at some common illnesses and how to naturally treat them.
Before we begin, I want to state a few things…1) I am totally AGAINST the flu shot for me and my children. I feel it’s unnecessary and what I feel is the right thing to do for us. If you get the flu shot, you do you sis. No judgment but wanted to be transparent about what we do. 2) If I am really hurting or have let’s say strep throat where I need antibiotics, I will take that. Strep is no joke. But I always go the natural route first and foremost.
Fever, for starters, is not an illness but a symptom of the sickness that is a positive sign that your body is fighting an infection. Let nature takes its course even in children. If they are not seizing, their body is doing its job and naturally fighting the infection. Follow your mama intuition of course. If you feel it’s something more, call or head to your doctor. Trust your gut. SOURCE

Related Post: Click here to see how to boost your immune system naturally.
Things to avoid:
These are things I eliminate from my diet at the first sign of a virus or flu.
- Starch
- Dairy
- Sugar
- Processed foods
All of these will disrupt your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Dairy is even worse when you have colds and coughs. So let’s take a look at some natural remedies for common illnesses.

Remedies for flu, body aches, and chills
- Anytime I start to feel the slightest off or sluggish I begin drinking the apple cider vinegar concoction (Read about it HERE) about 3 times a day. Next, I take the Oil of Oregano and Quick Defense supplement and drink a lot of water.
- Onion trick: Ok, this will sound VERY odd but it’s an Armenian remedy my grandmother made us do. At night before bed, cut an onion in half and add it to the bottom of your foot and wear a sock to hold it in place. The onion will help pull out all the toxins. Sleep with it on and remove it in the morning. Works for kids as well. Maybe tape the sock around the ankle so they don’t pull it off.
- Essential Oils: I made a Wellness blend using different oils and apply that on the bottom of my feet (wear socks after application so it can soak up all the goodness). I’ll also apply it on my wrists, and spin. See Essential Oil Blog Post for Oils I use for this. Click HERE for more info on essential oils. Always add fewer drops of the oils for kids.
- Elderberry Syrup. I take this 3 times a day when I’m under the weather. Click HERE Safe for kids to take.
- Boiron Oscillococcinum: For body aches, headaches, fever, chills, and fatigue, try Oscillococcinum. It’s a safer homeopathic medication that’s been shown in clinical studies to help reduce both the duration and the severity of flu-like symptoms without interacting with other medications, this is a great swap for common over-the-counter meds like aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin or Motrin.
- Nature’s Way Sambuca FluCare: This is a great non-drowsy homeopathic remedy featuring elderberry (oh yeah), that will help alleviate flu, cold, and cough.
- Bone broth: I love the Bonafide Bone Broth found in most freezer sections at grocery stores. I also have been loving THIS one by Truvani.
- Vitamin D Supplements THIS or THIS and Colloidal Silver are amazing to help with immune support.
- Lypo-spheric Vitamin C: I love taking this stuff whenever I have a cold or feel like I am coming down with something. It’s straight vitamin C that you mix in liquid and drink.
- Truvani Immune Support: This is brand new and just release by Truvani. Supposed to be amazing. Will be ordering it very soon.
- Lastly, get lots of rest, drink a ton of water, and let the fever run its course.

Remedies for cold and cough
Oils are my best friends. We use them all the time whenever the kids and I have anything going on. Click the Essential Oils Benefits and How to Use Them, blog post for more uses.
- Genexa: homeopathic cold and cough medicine that’s non-GMO. These tablets help alleviate symptoms like chest and nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and sneezing with active ingredients like monkshood (helps with high sudden fever), and red onion (supports allergic or viral runny nose). Here’s a children’s version for kids 3 years+ of age.
- Stuffy nose: Diffuse lavender, peppermint, and lemon essential oil in your room. You can also mix the two oils with a carrier oil and apply it on your chest and under your nose to inhale and open the airway. Great for kids and adults. Add fewer drops of the oils for kids.
- Cough: Mix eucalyptus mixed with a carrier oil and apply on the chest or add a few drops to boiling hot water bowl and inhale.
- Take a small spoon of manuka honey. This will help soothe the throat faster if you’re coughing
- Cayenne Oil: A blogger friend recently posted on her stories that she tried this and immediately found relief with her coughing. Add a few drops in apple juice and chug.
- Boiron Sinusalia Sinus Relief: Homeopathic non-drowsy medication to help alleviate your sinus pressure
- Lypo-spheric Vitamin C: I love taking this stuff whenever I have a cold or feel like I am coming down with something. It’s straight vitamin C that you mix in liquid and drink.
- Elderberry Syrup: See THIS post for the recipe. Safe for kids as well.
- Apple Cider Vinegar concoction. Mentioned above.

Remedies for kids cold and cough products
Remedies for sore throat
- Warm water with lemon, honey, and turmeric. My boys love this.
- Mix with a carrier oil of choice, a few drops of lavender oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil and lemon oil in a roller bottle. Apply every 30-45 minutes on the neck. Always add a few drops less for kids.
- Boiron Throat Calm

Remedies for allergies
- Genexa Allergy-D: This tablet is great for adult allergies, they have a children’s version HERE.
- Boiron Sabadil: Helps with watery and itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose and scratchy throat. It’s made from plants to help decrease nasal congestion and alleviate sneezing.
Remedies for upset stomach/nausea/indigestion
- Hot water with fresh ginger slices, lemon juice, and peppermint leaves or some peppermint and ginger tea. Add some honey to coat the stomach, some lemon to kill the bacteria or virus, and ginger to relieve discomfort.
- Upset Stomach or nausea: mix peppermint oil with a carrier oil and rub clockwise on your stomach. You can also inhale it, apply it on wrists. This helps me out so much.
- Country Life Acid Rescue: Talc-free homeopathic tablets to help relieve acid indigestion and heartburn.
Remedies for an ear infection:
- For the kids, we used Mullein Kids Garlic Oil
- Chiropractic care

Sinus Relief
- Boiron Sinusalia: We love this stuff and actually have it for adults and a children’s version.
In addition to all of these things we do, we also see a chiropractor at least once a month. When we are sick, have a cold, ear infection, we see the chiropractor more to help with drainage and alignment. Lastly, I am not a doctor and this is what works for me and my family. I would always advise you to talk to your doctor, naturopath, or pediatrician.
Hope you found all the natural remedies for common illnesses very helpful.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on Precious Time Blog is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified healthcare provider. Precious Time Blog is not liable for how the information is used and cannot be held responsible or guarantee any results. You alone are solely and personally responsible for the results, and your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment, and follow-through. Precious Time Blog is simply serving as a coach, mentor, and guide to help you reach your own health and wellness goals through simple holistic remedies and healthy lifestyle changes.
Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.