An exciting new program is happening over at Complete Health and Wellness. We’re hosting my first Liver Detox Group Coaching Program. Here’s why everyone should join!
- Do you tend to over-indulge during the holidays?
- How about you feel like your body needs to hit the reset button?
- Maybe you’re struggling with fatigue, headaches, or finding it hard to sleep at night.
The holiday season is upon us which means we are going to indulge in all the things without the guilt. This means, once the holidays are over, there is no better time to hit the refresh button am I right?
Program Begins: Monday, Jan 9th
Fee: $299 if you sign-up before Jan 1st. Price increases to $359 on Jan 1st
Why Do a Liver Reset?
Your liver is the most important and underrated organ in the body that doesn’t get the credit it deserves. But did you know, without your liver, your body isn’t able to properly detox harmful chemicals or toxin exposure?
That’s right! The average person is exposed to about 200 chemicals per day including ingredients in our food and body care products, BPA and plastics, chemicals from cookware, gasoline, EMF, and sooo much more.
When our drainage pathways (one being your liver) aren’t fully open, those toxins can’t properly detox and leave the body. Instead, they get recirculated back into the body which, over time, can cause more problems. Do any of these sound familiar?
Common Symptoms
- Headaches & Migraines
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Fatigue
- Moodiness
- Blood Sugar Imbalances
- Constipation
- Cellulite, Spider Veins
- Loss of Appetite
- Itchy, Rashes, Eczema, Hives
- Dark Under Eye Circles
- Morning Stiffness
- Breathing Issues
- Heart Palpitations
- Waking up between 1-4am
- Brain Fog, and many more symptoms…
This is why in this program, we’ll focus on opening up the drainage pathways and getting you to detox successfully.

What To Expect
Unlike other detox or reset programs, this is one where you won’t feel like you’re starving. You’ll find that this reset is loaded with delicious recipes, so be prepared to eat healthy nutritious meals.
3-week group coaching sessions broken out like this:
- STEP ONE: Group coaching session with myself. We’ll discuss and review why are we doing a reset? What are we trying to solve? How will this program help you?
- STEP TWO: 7-Day Liver Reset. This will all be done on your own via the guidelines I’ll provide you. I’ll set up a Private Facebook Group for you to ask me any questions that come up along the way.
- STEP THREE: A group coaching session with myself for us to review progress and next steps.
What’s Included?
- A full 50+ page guide with everything you need to know
- 7-Day Meal plan for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks with recipes beyond recipes
- List of recommended herbs and tools that will help to support the liver and kidneys
- List of Liver lovin foods
- Food and Mood Guide/Check-ins
- Private Facebook Group for check-ins and questions
- 2 Group Coaching Sessions with yours truly
Who Is This Reset For?
Anyone with a liver can benefit from doing this reset. We all over-indulge from time to time, especially around the holidays. Heck, it’s great to let loose. I get it! But when the holidays are over and everyone is all about under-eating, juice cleanses, etc… you’re putting more stress on your body and actually causing more harm than good.
Ever notice when someone does a 4-day juice cleanse? They look great while doing the cleanse and lose weight. But then what happens after? Weight comes back and so do any of the symptoms they may have been feeling, to begin with. Not to mention, their body is lacking proper nutrients.
So what are you waiting for?
Are you Ready?
Program Begins: Monday, Jan 9th
Fee: $299 if you sign-up before Jan 1st. Price increases to $359 on Jan 1st
Call Complete Health & Wellness at 972-315-9900 today!