Ever get a full night sleep, but wonder why you’re so tired the next day? It could be your bedtime and morning routine. This guide will help set you up to achieve optimal sleep naturally to keep you going throughout your day. This may be the answer to your problem.

One thing I promised myself this new year is to set myself up for optimal sleep and a better morning routine. I already get 8 hours of sleep each night and rather than try to get more hours of sleep, I would love to get optimal deep sleep and have a healthier, smoother morning routine. I want to set structure and have more me-time without the chaos of mom-life. I want to establish a better balance and practice being my very best self. To establish just that, I want to do a few things that I will get into more in-depth below…But having Me Time is important.
With the kids being home part-time, I am trying to figure out the new “norm.” Before, it would be wake-up, get myself ready, get the boys ready for daycare, make and eat breakfast, make lunches, drop kids off at daycare, come home and work. When I worked full-time at Cisco Systems, I basically had the ability to create my own schedule and plan events around my time. Plus, I worked from home. So, when I wasn’t busy and the kids were in school, I had “me time.” I started blogging on the side, did my grocery shopping, and just had more time for myself. Now that I’m a full-time mom and blogger and have the kids home a few days a week, I’m trying to figure out the right balance. Hey, you have to start somewhere right? So making minor adjustments to my evening and morning routine is what I am tackling.

Why Sleep Matters
There are so many health benefits to getting optimal sleep. Some, I am sure you already know, but let’s review just in case.
- Strengthens your immune system
- Improves your mood and lessens depression, stomach ulcers, constipation, headaches, anxiety, and more
- Improves your memory and problem-solving skills
- Improves metabolism
What Does the Cardiac Rhythm Have to do with Optimal Sleep?
Ever wonder why you get a “good night sleep” (slept at least 8-9 hours) and you’re still tired and hardly functioning? Maybe you feel like you need a nap partway through the day…It’s because the number of hours you sleep doesn’t mean anything. It’s more about what you’re doing or not doing that’s affecting your sleep.
Our cardiac rhythm controls almost EVERYTHING. For starters, it tells us when to eat, sleep, wake up, etc. Artificial lighting can also have its effects. Too much screen time (T.V., LED’s, phones, computers, and anything that emits blue light are all artificial lighting that can affect our mood, sleep, eyesight and so much more if overused. (SOURCE)
While some exposure is ok, we need to be aware of how much we are exposed to it and use it during the right time of day because that is what will throw off your cardiac rhythm. I’m talking about all the people who scroll through their phones or laptops at night before going to sleep (used to be guilty of that so no judgment).
Lastly, if you were to work on your laptop, watch T.V., scroll through your phone or tablet, just be sure to wear blue light glasses. Whether you’re on your laptop all day or scrolling in the evening, it can disrupt your cardiac rhythm. Always be sure to wear blue light glasses to shield a percentage of the most harmful spectrum of blue lights entering the eyes.
Alright, so with all of that in mind, let’s break this down into morning and evening routines to help set you up for success. Let’s start with the evening routine since we’re talking about getting optimal sleep. I do want to point out that my hubby has a VERY high-stress job and when he is in a routine and makes time for himself in the morning, it makes all the difference in his day and mood.
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How to Achieve Optimal Sleep, Naturally

Evening Routine
- Wear Blue Light Glasses. Put on blue light glasses in the evening when watching TV, working on laptops, or on your cell phone, and any other devices.
- Turn on your salt lamp. I typically try to have mine on most of the day but just in case, turn it on in the evening to help set the evening mood of relaxation. They also help purify and detoxify the air. THIS one is the absolute best.
- Drink Tea. Once the kids are in bed, I make a cup of tea. It helps to unwind from the day and relax. I use THIS teapot that’s free of toxins and aluminum.
- Turn off laptops, and any other devices an hour before bedtime. This will help to get your mind to relax and unwind the body. Plus, your helping limits your exposure to EMF by making a conscious effort to reducing screen time.
- Jot down your to-do list. Right before I go to sleep, I jot down things I need to get done in my journal. That way it’s out of my head and I’m not thinking about it all night.
- Invest in blackout shades. They block out light helping you to stay asleep longer and effectively.
- Put your phone on airplane mode and away from your bed. Set your alarm, and place it all in another room to help with EMF radiation. To hear more about EMF HERE. My blogger friend @Organicallybecca did a great podcast all about this topic.
- Start getting ready for bed (teeth brushing, flossing, face washing, shower) at least 30 min before bedtime. I always do this earlier when I am bathing my kids; typically, around 7 pm.
- Read a book or meditate. I do this right before going to sleep. Beforehand, I try to do some blogging/writing, watch reality tv, and drink tea.
- Lights Off by 10:15 pm/10:30 pm. You need to get a good amount of sleep. Lights out by this time so you can wake up early and ready for the next day is key.

Morning Routine
- First things first, I drink a ton of water. I usually keep THIS by my bed (I fill it right before bed using my Berkey filter), and chug a ton once I wake up.
- Don’t Touch Your Phone. I know this is a hard one people but trust me, this will only cause a HUGE distraction for things that you need to accomplish in the morning. If you can, try and wait at least 30-45 minutes before checking your emails and social media platforms. I am guilty of this and have been a lot better with this over the last couple of months.
- Turn on Salt Lamp. I do this so I can slowly wake my body up.
- Include “Me Time” into your morning routine. This is YOUR time to do something you enjoy. Get a workout in, read a book, do some writing, etc…whatever makes you relaxed and happy, I urge you to do it. For me, I either do a quick yoga session, meditate, or write a blog post because once the boys are up, there is no time for any of that.
- Meditate. Take 5 minutes before you do anything (preferably), and meditate. Set your intentions for the day. This will help you have a better calmer day.
- Make Breakfast. Once the boys wake up, they are hungry and a ball full of energy. I feed them and let them play in the playroom for a bit.
- Family Walk. If you’re home with the kids like me, I like to take them for a walk in the morning or a park to burn some energy.

There you have it…How to achieve optimal sleep naturally. I hope these tips are helpful for you to and you can begin to incorporate them into your daily routine. I notice a HUGE difference in my overall mood when I have a routine and stick to it. Always be the very best YOU!
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