My discovery for essential oils started back in 2013 right after I had my first child. I was a new mom trying to live a more holistic lifestyle. Prior to having kids, is when I started making the switch to cleaner and more natural lifestyle, but fast forward to 2013, I wanted to ensure that also included keeping harmful toxins away from my baby. Like many new expecting moms, this is usually when we start to think of living a healthier lifestyle.
Don’t worry, this is not me trying to sell you oils and be part of an oily club LOL. But as a clean lifestyle blogger, I do get asked so many questions about essential oils, so hopefully, this post answers a lot of your questions as to the benefits and uses of them. I will say this, I am in no means an expert and I don’t use them religiously either. But when I do use them, they seem to work and help with whatever I am trying to resolve. So in this post, I will review the benefits of essential oils and how to use them.

What Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are organic compounds extracted from plants that have healing properties. Using essential oils is a holistic treatment used to improve physical, mental, and emotional health, also known as aromatherapy.
The oils are extracted from plants and go through a distillation process (to help separate the oil and water) where they are then bottled and made. By concentrating the oils from the plants, you are separating the powerful healing compounds of the plants into a single oil. SOURCE
Before You Get Started
Essential oils have been around for many years, but within the last 7 years or so, it has taken the world by storm. They have many uses, healing benefits, and they work. But, there are also many precautions when using them. You need to be sure that when using essential oils, you are using them the right way. They have a ton of books that can help and if you want a more in-depth deep dive into essential oils 101, the benefits of essential oils, and how to use them cautiously, I would buy THIS book.
Recommended Precautions
- Never ingest the oils. Even though some books and people/companies tell you it’s ok to do so (diluted of course), I don’t feel 100% comfortable with it. If it’s strong enough to heal, then it may not be a smart idea to ingest. This is me personally. If you do prefer to ingest, I would suggest working with a licensed practitioner.
- Always dilute your oils with a carrier oil of choice, such as coconut oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, etc…Essential oils are able to penetrate the skin and pass into the bloodstream for internal therapeutic benefits but, they work even better with the carrier oil. If applying to your skin, perform a patch test first.
- Aromatically: When inhaled, essential oils can absorb through the bloodstream. The lungs absorb the oils and circulate all throughout the body. Some of the best ways to experience the benefits are by diffusing the oils of choice and/or needed, or simply smell straight from the bottle. I especially do this when I have an upset stomach and inhale peppermint like crazy. SOURCE
- Lastly, essential oils are very concentrated and highly volatile. Never use them undiluted, in the eyes or on mucus membranes. Keep away from children and pets.

7 Essential Oil Benefits and How to Use Them
Although there are many benefits and uses for oils, here are my top picks to help get you started.
Shop Essential Oil Organizer HERE.
- Stress & Anxiety
This is one of the most beneficial reasons people turn to oils, to help ease stress and anxiety. Have a stressful job, travel anxiety, can’t seem to turn off the brain at night before bed? Essential oils have sedative properties known to calm and relax the mind and body.
Oils used for stress and anxiety are: stress away, peace and calming, cedarwood, ylang ylang, frankincense, lavender, rose, chamomile, and bergamot.
Always mix a few drops of oils with a carrier oil of choice. I use THESE rollers and THIS as a carrier oil.
Can be applied: rub on neck, inhale from the bottle, diffuse oil in a diffuser.
2. Sleep
Just like stress and anxiety, I love to use essential oils for sleep and relaxation. I mean, who doesn’t, right? Again, the sedative properties can help you relax and fall asleep.
Oils used for sleep and relaxation are peace and calming, stress away, lavender, cedarwood and vetiver, and roman chamomile.
Can be applied: Topically with a carrier oil on wrist and temples and diffuser.

3. Immune Health & Fighting Infections
Oils help to destroy several fungal, viral, and bacterial pathogens. I have roller balls created for the kids and adults for all kinds of health support. Here’s what I have and how I use it.
- Fever: frankincense, lavender, oregano, lemon. Add carrier oil and oils to the rollerball and apply on feet, then cover with socks. I mix all of these oils together when it’s really bad.
- Cough: Eucalyptus mixed with a carrier oil and apply on the chest. I also diffuse it or add a few drops to boiling water and breathe it in to open my airways.
- Stuffy nose: Diffuse lavender, peppermint, and lemon. I also inhale them both to open the nose and apply a little peppermint oil and carrier oil of choice on the chest and right under my nose.
- Allergies: Frankincense and lavender to inhale from the bottle. I also mix the two in a roller bottle with coconut oil and apply on chest, temples, and feet.
- Support Digestion: Ginger, peppermint, or fennel are all great to use and mix in a carrier oil. Rub on the belly and inhale oil straight from the bottle. I do this with peppermint. Ginger, in particular, stimulates gastric emptying in people with indigestion. SOURCE

4. Laundry Scent
Mix a few drops of your favorite oils directly to your laundry to help get rid of funky smells or active clothing. I’ll also add a few drops of oils to wool dryer balls for a more natural fabric softener scent.
Recommended Oils: grapefruit, orange, peppermint, and lemon.
5. Migraines & Headache
Migraines and headaches are no fun. I remember when I first got my essential oils, my hubby had a massive headache. I gave him lavender and peppermint oil, mixed it with coconut oil and rubbed it on his temples. Immediate relief for him.
Oils used are: Lavender and Peppermint
Can be applied: Topically on the back of the neck and temples, or by a diffuser

6. Skincare
Essential oils are used in a lot in skincare. In fact, there are major non-toxic name brand products that use essential oils. They have so many healing benefits to the skin if you’re not super sensitive.
- Acne-Prone Skin: Use tea tree oil and mix with manuka honey.
- Age spots: Use frankincense essential oil with a carrier oil like jojoba and apply directly on the skin.
- Bug Bites: Apply coconut oil mixed with lavender on the bite.
- Body Scrub: Mix and use grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, or lavender with Himalayan pink salt (not the one you consume), and jojoba oil and mix and store in a glass jar.
7. DIY Housecleaner and Air Freshener
I love to use essential oils as an air freshener or to make homemade DIY cleaning products mainly because manufacturers add “fragrance” and other toxic chemicals to their cleaning products and air fresheners. No thank you, right? So, I opt for cleaner products or use oils to create a lovely home scent.
- Air Freshener: In your diffuser, add filtered water and about 12 drops of essential oil. See below for recommended diffusers.
Oils to use: lavender, orange, citrus fresh, peppermint mixed with lemon, lemon, grapefruit, thieves, and really anything you enjoy.
During Christmas, I love to diffuse Christmas Spirit. It’s the best.

- Cleaning Products:
- Thieves cleaner: I use this to clean the entire house. Countertops, bathroom, and shower and it works amazing.
- Mold cleaner: tea tree oil. Apply to a diffuser to help kill mold in the air or apply on mold directly with baking soda and scrub away.
- Burnt pans cleaner: Mix a few drops of lemon oil to boiling water and allow to sit for a few mins before scrubbing off.
Curious to see more non-toxic cleaning products. CLICK HERE to read the post.

Essential Oil Brands
Not all essential oils are created equal. In fact, most of them are worthless to your health and often synthetic. Therefore, when buying such oils, choose pure ones that are certified USDA organic, 100 percent pure, and therapeutic grade.
Now, I know Young Living isn’t perfect, but there are a few products I can’t live without. Most of them are my cleaning products as well as oil blends. Blends are when you have different oils blended together. I have been using Young Living the longest and really love their products and oils even though they are not 100% organic. I trust the products and the’ve been working for me and my family for a long time.
To Shop Young Living Essential Oils: click on member sign up in top right corner. Your sponsor and enrolled id is 2236923… that’s me. 🙂
The most trusted brand out there is Mountain Rose Herbs. I buy ALL of my single blends here as well as some dried herbs for tea. Couldn’t recommend them enough and they check all the YES’s in my book.
Recommended Products
Diffusers I love are THIS one, THIS one, THIS one, and THIS one.
Oil Blends Recommendation: THIS one, THIS one, THIS one, and THIS one.
Single Oil Blend Recommendations: Lavender, Frankincense, Lemon, Oregano, and Peppermint would be my top picks. I buy singles from HERE.
– Shop Young Living Essential Oils and click on member sign up in top right corner. Your sponsor and enrolled id is 2236923… that’s me. Thank you by the way!
Essential Oil Stand best way to organize a drawer full of oils
Hope this helps you understand the essential oil benefits and how to use them properly.
Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on Precious Time Blog is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified healthcare provider. Precious Time Blog is not liable for how the information is used and cannot be held responsible or guarantee any results. You alone are solely and personally responsible for the results, and your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment, and follow-through. Precious Time Blog is simply serving as a coach, mentor, and guide to help you reach your own health and wellness goals through simple holistic remedies and healthy lifestyle changes.