Traveling can be so fun and exciting, but coming home can be a bit dreadful. You have a long list of items that need to get done and trying to figure out when you’ll even have the chance to just rest can leave you feeling more anxious. Trust me, I know the feeling. We travel a lot with our kids and having a to-do list in the back of my mind can make it hard to relax. But, after years of traveling, I feel like we have a great system in place to making things easier for us when we leave and return home. So, today, I’m sharing 8 ways to get back on track after vacation. This has certainly helped me out and gave me a chance to just rest and breathe. We all want that after vacation am I right?
8 Ways To Get Back On Track After Vacation

1. Clean Your House Before You Leave
I don’t know about you, but I cannot stand a dirty house. I’m a bit of a clean freak (call me Monica) and need everything to be in order. The last thing I want to do is walk into the house where I just want to rest after a long day of travel, and it is so dirty that I end up having to clean. That just gives me straight anxiety. So, even though this is not something you need to do post-vacation, it’s something that will help you get back on track faster and efficiently.
2. Clean Your Kitchen Sink
I’m not talking about making sure dishes are clean, although I do recommend all dishes are washed and put away. I mean scrub and disinfect it. I know what you’re thinking…Why would I need to do that? Simply put, after you get back, you stock up your fridge. Instead of throwing everything in the fridge, wash it all right away. There are so many bugs, dirt, pesticides hiding in our foods and giving it all a quick rinse before eating will not clean it effectively. So, as soon as you unload your grocery bags, fill your clean sink with water and apple cider vinegar, and soak it all. I would usually do this first, then put away all the groceries. Allow it to soak for at least 30 min then drain, rinse, and store in glass containers or whatever containers they come in.
3. Do A Load Of Laundry
I don’t care how late it is, if it’s not midnight, I am doing a load of laundry right away. I just feel so much better knowing our dirty clothes are washed. Plus, bed bugs happen during travel and any way that I can prevent that from ever happening, is to clean it all ASAP. You’ll feel so much better knowing that all you have to do the next day is put them away.

4. Choose To Do A Personal Shop for Groceries
Whether it’s before you leave on vacation or sometimes on the flight back, I’ll start creating a menu for the week on things I’m going to make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This helps me so that I am not having to sit down when I get back home and figure it all out then. Trust me, I usually have a million things I need to get done and have no time to sit around LOL. I’m telling you…I’m crazy but it works. Usually on the flight back is when I tend to do this all but if I’m lucky, I can get it done before I leave. Restock your fridge and pantry with healthy fruits, veggies, and snacks with items you know you are going to eat and cook with. You save money by shopping for what is needed and time for not having to shop for yourself. It’s a win-win. See snack options for kids post here for some of my favorite ideas.
Make your grocery list/menu and my next tip would be to order your food. I do this in 2 ways, through Amazon Prime Now, where they deliver it to your door or my girl over at my local Whole Foods will shop for me and I’ll come in to grab lunch and pick it up the next day. I’ll email her my list and she takes care of it all. So simple and again, one less thing to do. You can do a personal shop at every and any grocery store nowadays.

Thrive Market is another way I shop for pantry staple items. Again, I’ll place an order while on vacation for pantry staples and it will be delivered around the time I arrive back home. Saves you time and money. Plus, CLICK HERE and save 25% off your entire order for new customers.
For more info about Thrive Market, check out THIS blog post.

5. Clear Your Calendar
I never plan to schedule anything the next day. I’m either jetlagged or exhausted and want to rest. If your kids are in school or daycare, try and take a 30 min powernap and rest. Whatever it is, take the day after to play catch up and relax. If you’re really ready to get back on track, head to the gym or do a little workout. Sometimes, I’ll go to my Zumba class in the evenings, or do a 30-minute Peloton bike ride if I’m feeling like it. Yoga is another great workout to help stretch out those muscles. Whatever it is, clear your day to do what feels right to you at that moment.
6. Cook a Simple and Healthy Dinner
I know, cooking may be the last thing you have in mind, but I am all about trying to eat a little healthy again especially after vacation. We tend to indulge when we’re not home and we’re ok with it, but trying to get back on track feels amazing. I tend to buy an already cooked roasted chicken and some veggies I can quickly roast up. Sometimes, I’ll turn it all into a salad and call it a day. I’m all about an easy transition back into cooking.
7. Meal Prep Freezer Staples For Kids
Before we leave on vacation, I’ll make veggie-loaded breakfast muffins, waffles, pancakes for breakfast and double the recipe. I will then freeze a lot of leftovers for the kids to eat right when we get home. That way, they are also getting a healthy breakfast in their system and not eating junk. Plus, if they do have school the next day, this is perfect for a simple and easy veggie-loaded breakfast.

8. Load Up On Water
You should be drinking a ton of water anyways, but if you’ve been flying, you definitely want to ensure your intaking way more water than usual to stay hydrated. Hydroflasks for the whole family is what we use when we travel and at home. Before, during, and after a flight, we load up on our water intake. Squeeze a little lemon for extra hydration.
Hope after reading this, you can enjoy your vacation and be a bit more at ease after your travels.